Working To Improve Access To
Health Care…
By Zelna E. Joseph, MA, President and CEO,
S.E.T. Family Medical Clinics
SET Family Medical Clinics provides a safety net for people who cannot gain access to affordable health care due to inadequate or a lack of health insurance.
Lack of health insurance has long term consequences for children, families, and young adults. Children of uninsured and underinsured families are at a higher risk for developmental delays than those who have insurance.
In El Paso County 100,000 people are uninsured. Among these individuals are seniors, middle income wage earners with families, immigrants, and children. The primary cause of this medical crisis is cost.
Health insurance premiums increase approximately 14 percent per year making health care more of a privilege than a right. According to the Colorado Coalition of the Medically Underserved, most families without health insurance have at least one family member who is a full-time or a part-time worker.
The typical cost of family insurance is $8,500 per year or nearly 19 percent of a family’s budget. Studies have shown:
· The uninsured use more expensive treatment for preventive, acute and chronic care because they often obtain medical care in the emergency department.
· Uninsured children are at least 70% more likely than insured children not to have received medical care for common conditions like ear infections--illnesses that if left untreated can lead to more serious health problems. They are also 30% less likely to receive medical attention when they are injured.
· The uninsured are four times as likely as insured patients to require both hospitalizations and emergency hospital care for conditions that could be avoided, like pneumonia and uncontrolled diabetes.
· Both uninsured adults and children are less likely to receive preventive care.
Adults with full-time jobs make up one-third of Colorado's uninsured or 247,000 people. When part-time workers are added to the mix, the number climbs to 441,000 people, or 57 percent of Colorado’s uninsured, according to a report from the Colorado Health Institute.
Lack of health insurance has important health and financial consequences for both the individual and the community. Inability to obtain necessary care endangers the lives of all patients, adding costs to the health care system and reducing productivity.
Emergency rooms in Colorado Springs are being overwhelmed by non-emergency applications and thus placing a tremendous strain on our health care system.
Community hospitals are operating at close to maximum capacity on a daily basis largely due to uninsured people who end up in the emergency room for non emergency conditions.
SET Family Medical Clinics is a 501-(c) (3) organization that provides basic medical services and holistic health programs to uninsured, underinsured and low-income people without discrimination.
SET services include:
· SET Family Medical Clinic at St. Francis- serves low income and uninsured families and children. Acute medical care is provided at no cost to the patient who does not have the ability to pay. A small fee of $10.00 per visit is asked of persons who have the ability to pay. All of SET Providers are volunteers.
· SET Homeless Medical Clinic at the Marian House Soup Kitchen- This clinic currently operates at 424 W. Kiowa Unit B, due to the building project of the Marian House.
· Senior Wellbeing Clinics and Holistic Wellness Services – Health and human services for the aging at ten Well Being Clinic sites. This program is designed to keep older adults independent while ensuring quality of life.
· SET is funded by public and private donations. Volunteers and donations are always welcome and needed.
SET Family Medical Clinics is located at 825 E. Pikes Peak Avenue, Building 29. For an appointment call 776-8850. Visit our website at .